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One-stop Technology Platform to Accelerate Drug Discovery and Development

  1. Capabilities
  2. Structural Biology

Structural Biology

3D structure determination is an integral part of drug discovery and development. High-resolution crystal structures of target proteins provide atomic details that empower chemists to optimize leads quickly and with confidence. Structure-based drug design (SBDD) is increasingly regarded as a vital component of drug discovery projects. It can be used to optimize lead compound specificity and binding affinity by eliminating unwanted physiochemical properties to yield more efficient candidates.

HitGen has experienced structural biologists in X-ray crystallography and molecular modeling. By coupling this structural biology know-how to HitGen's capabilities in SBDD and FBDD, it enables our medicinal chemistry and computational chemistry teams make use of this information throughout the drug discovery process to optimize ligand design and produce the most effective candidate molecules. 

High-quality protein is key for success in structural biology, especially for X-ray crystallography. HitGen's protein science team generates high-quality proteins, starting from gene construct design, molecular cloning, protein expression, purification, and characterization for advanced research applications in internal and/or external drug discovery projects. Single standard crystallographic services can also be provided, including initial crystallization, crystal optimization, data collection, structure solution, and etc.

HitGen in-house expressed target proteins covers more than 20 different target classes. 

Target protein/ small molecule co-crystal structures from HitGen:


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